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Little Upsilon: May 16 5231
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This document describes the social security situation in this country. It contains figures about the number of unemployed people and social security payments.

social security statistics
social security costs
employment details

Review the quality of your social security.

Social Security Statistics
Social Security Quality Index  82.55Social security index
Welfare Index  101.14Welfare index

Review the social security payments.

Social Security Payments
Total Cost this Month  6,835.33M SC$Social security cost
Yearly Salary of Low Level Workers  15,265 SC$Income of low level workers
Yearly Social Security Payments  10,685 SC$Social Security Payments
Current Social Security Percentage of Low Level Worker Salary  70 %Percentage of Low Level Salary
Target Social Security Percentage of Low Level Worker Salary  70 % 
Good Social Security Target  80 % 

The employment of your population.

Population Statistics on Disabled and Unemployed
Population  30,214,515Total Population
Number of retired People  3,092,113Total Number of Retired
Number of disabled People  1,394,129Total number of disabled
Number of unemployed People  3,190,029Number of Jobless People
Receivers of Social Security Payments by Age Groups
Age   Unemployed   Retired   Disabled   Cost of Care  
15 to 18  53,970Unemployed 15 to 18 years- -  48.06M SC$ 
18 to 21  135,354Unemployed 18 to 21 years- -  120.53M SC$ 
21 to 24  167,060Unemployed 21 to 24 years-  45,678Disabled 21 to 24 years 189.43M SC$ 
24 to 30  523,885Unemployed 24 to 30 years-  107,302Disabled 24 to 30 years 562.04M SC$ 
30 to 35  431,652Unemployed 30 to 35 years-  115,337Disabled 30 to 35 years 487.07M SC$ 
35 to 40  396,699Unemployed 35 to 40 years-  117,401Disabled 35 to 40 years 457.78M SC$ 
40 to 45  365,745Unemployed 40 to 45 years-  119,200Disabled 40 to 45 years 431.82M SC$ 
45 to 50  335,908Unemployed 45 to 50 years-  144,099Disabled 45 to 50 years 427.42M SC$ 
50 to 55  324,481Unemployed 50 to 55 years-  146,418Disabled 50 to 55 years 419.31M SC$ 
55 to 60  278,172Unemployed 55 to 60 years-  255,920Disabled 55 to 60 years 475.58M SC$ 
60 to 65  177,103Unemployed 60 to 65 years-  342,775Disabled 60 to 65 years 462.92M SC$ 
65 to 70  -  1,284,127Retired 65 to 70 years-  1,143.45M SC$ 
70 to 75  -  876,513Retired 70 to 75 years-  780.49M SC$ 
75 to 80  -  514,165Retired 75 to 80 years-  457.84M SC$ 
> 80  -  417,309Retired older than 80 years -  371.59M SC$ 
Total  3,190,029Number of Jobless People 3,092,113Total Number of Retired 1,394,129Total number of disabled 6,835.33M SC$Cost of Social Security

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