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Little Upsilon: Nov 4 5186
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About the AA3 Daily Telegraph

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  AA3 Daily Telegraph, Apr 05, 5185  
International News

Hostilities between AA2 and The Kingdom of Melanie
Thu Mar 6, 5185  Long Range Division 'Gulfport' attacks 'Ardonna Military Services' military services provider
The Kingdom of Melanie (the attacked country) reports:
  • The country lost 6 helicopters and 1 tank.
  • The country used 1540 missile interceptors in the defense.
  • 8 soldiers were killed and 25 were wounded.
  • The defense was assisted by Defense helicopter Wing Marrat and Garrison TG4507.
  • The War Index remains 41.59
AA2 (the attacker) reports:
  • Long Range Division 'Gulfport' lost 140 offensive aa batteries, 140 anti tank missile batteries, 41 mid range missile batteries, 155 heavy armored vehicles, 180 heavy artillery and 450 heavy tanks.
  • Long Range Division 'Gulfport' lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies.
  • The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.
  • 1152 soldiers were killed and 3175 were wounded.
  • The War Index remains 99.65

Hostilities between AA2 and The Kingdom of Melanie
Thu Mar 6, 5185  Long Range Division 'Arden' attacks 'Ardonna Military Services' military services provider
The Kingdom of Melanie (the attacked country) reports:
  • The country lost 19 missile interceptor batteries, 17 armored vehicles, 38 helicopters, 25 artillery, 22 tanks and 1 nuclear defense battery.
  • The country used 1415 missile interceptors in the defense.
  • 279 soldiers were killed and 704 were wounded.
  • The defense was assisted by Defense helicopter Wing Marrat and Garrison TG4507.
  • The attack added 0.41 damage points. The War Index is now 41.59
AA2 (the attacker) reports:
  • Long Range Division 'Arden' lost 140 offensive aa batteries, 140 anti tank missile batteries, 62 mid range missile batteries, 155 heavy armored vehicles, 180 heavy artillery and 450 heavy tanks.
  • Long Range Division 'Arden' lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies.
  • The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.
  • 1365 soldiers were killed and 3663 were wounded.
  • The War Index remains 99.65

Country News

Teach Message
Thu Mar 5, 5185  Your country does not have defensive radar planes. Radar planes are important for your defense. If you are attacked, your air force will be more effective in defending your country if it gets information on where the attack will hit. This information is only available if you have radar planes. Make sure you have at least three and defend your defensive air force base heavily to prevent their destruction. Your enemy will try to destroy these radar planes because attacks on targets in your country become easier when the radar planes are out of action.

International News

Hostilities between AA2 and The Kingdom of Melanie
Thu Mar 5, 5185  Long Range Division 'Arden' attacks 'Roxas Military Services' military services provider
The Kingdom of Melanie (the attacked country) reports:
  • Roxas Military Services military services provider is completely destroyed.
  • There were 20812 casualties and 17094 civilians were wounded.
  • Weapons based at Roxas Military Services may have been destroyed.
  • The defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing Marrat.
  • The attack added 1.70 damage points. The War Index is now 42.00
AA2 (the attacker) reports:
  • Long Range Division 'Arden' lost 47 mid range missile batteries.
  • Long Range Division 'Arden' lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies.
  • The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.
  • 109 soldiers were killed and 397 were wounded.
  • The War Index remains 99.65

Hostilities between AA2 and The Kingdom of Melanie
Thu Mar 5, 5185  Long Range Division 'Arden' attacks Large Supply Unit Romero
The Kingdom of Melanie (the attacked country) reports:
  • Romero is completely destroyed.
  • Romero lost 140 anti aircraft missile batteries, 140 missile interceptor batteries, 140 defensive missile batteries, 120 armored vehicles, 185 helicopters and 240 tanks.
  • Romero lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies.
  • The country used 161 missile interceptors in the defense.
  • 873 soldiers were killed and 2345 were wounded.
  • The defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing Marrat.
  • The attack added 1.63 damage points. The War Index is now 43.70
AA2 (the attacker) reports:
  • Long Range Division 'Arden' lost 161 mid range missile batteries.
  • Long Range Division 'Arden' lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies.
  • The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.
  • 469 soldiers were killed and 931 were wounded.
  • The War Index remains 99.65

Hostilities between AA2 and The Kingdom of Melanie
Thu Mar 5, 5185  Air Force Attack and Bombing Wing 'Tangara' attacks the city of 'Wusong'
The Kingdom of Melanie (the attacked country) reports:
  • The city of Wusong is completely destroyed.
  • There were 27168 casualties and 21165 civilians were wounded.
  • The country used 1267 missile interceptors in the defense.
  • The defense was assisted by Defense Interceptor Wing Tibron and Garrison TG1141.
  • The attack added 1.10 damage points. The War Index is now 45.33
AA2 (the attacker) reports:
  • Air Force Attack and Bombing Wing 'Tangara' lost 344 precision bombers.
  • Air Force Attack and Bombing Wing 'Tangara' lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies.
  • The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.
  • 1590 soldiers were killed and 4780 were wounded.
  • The War Index remains 99.65

Hostilities between AA2 and The Kingdom of Melanie
Thu Mar 5, 5185  Air Force Attack and Bombing Wing 'Bilbao' attacks the city of 'Wusong'
The Kingdom of Melanie (the attacked country) reports:
  • The city of Wusong is for 51.1% damaged.
  • There were 32722 casualties and 26026 civilians were wounded.
  • The country used 1267 missile interceptors in the defense.
  • The defense was assisted by Defense Interceptor Wing Tibron and Garrison TG1141.
  • The attack added 1.28 damage points. The War Index is now 46.43
AA2 (the attacker) reports:
  • Air Force Attack and Bombing Wing 'Bilbao' lost 119 attack helicopters, 359 precision bombers, 119 fighter planes and 169 attack drones.
  • Air Force Attack and Bombing Wing 'Bilbao' lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies.
  • The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.
  • 2539 soldiers were killed and 6637 were wounded.
  • The War Index remains 99.71

Hostilities between AA2 and The Kingdom of Melanie
Thu Mar 5, 5185  Airforce Stealth Bomber Wing 'Gladbeck' attacks the city of 'Wusong'
The Kingdom of Melanie (the attacked country) reports:
  • No damage to The city of Wusong is reported.
  • The country used 1267 missile interceptors in the defense.
  • The defense was assisted by Defense Interceptor Wing Tibron and Garrison TG1141.
  • The War Index remains 47.71
AA2 (the attacker) reports:
  • Airforce Stealth Bomber Wing 'Gladbeck' lost 1 precision bomber and 24 stealth bombers.
  • Airforce Stealth Bomber Wing 'Gladbeck' lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies.
  • The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.
  • 346 soldiers were killed and 939 were wounded.
  • The War Index remains 99.71

Hostilities between AA2 and The Kingdom of Melanie
Thu Mar 5, 5185  Airforce Stealth Bomber Wing 'Gladbeck' attacks the city of 'Wusong'
The Kingdom of Melanie (the attacked country) reports:
  • The country lost 96 anti aircraft missile batteries, 59 missile interceptor batteries, 103 defensive missile batteries, 17 interceptors and 7 nuclear defense batteries.
  • The country used 1446 missile interceptors in the defense.
  • 625 soldiers were killed and 1484 were wounded.
  • The defense was assisted by Defense Interceptor Wing Angelica and Garrison TG1141.
  • The attack added 5.62 damage points. The War Index is now 47.71
AA2 (the attacker) reports:
  • Airforce Stealth Bomber Wing 'Gladbeck' lost 39 precision bombers and 92 stealth bombers.
  • Airforce Stealth Bomber Wing 'Gladbeck' lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies.
  • The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.
  • 1331 soldiers were killed and 3811 were wounded.
  • The War Index remains 99.71


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