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Little Upsilon: Apr 11 5270
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This document describes the population of your country. It contains figures like the birth rate and death rate in this country but also links to related topics like education and employment

population health
population education
population employment
population migration
population killed
population wounded

Review the health of your population.

Population Numbers and Life Expectancy
Total Population  29,885,268Total Population
Average Age  35.65Average age of the Population
Life Expectancy  53.26Life expectancy
Expected Number of Births This Year  422,543Number of Births This Year
Expected Number of Deaths This Year  564,190Total Number of Deceased This Year
Population Data by Age Groups
Age   Number   % of total   Birth Rate   Death Rate  
0 to 4  1,805,174Population Age Group 0 to 4 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
4 to 8  1,811,255Population Age Group 4 to 8 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
8 to 12  1,812,973Population Age Group 8 to 12 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
12 to 15  1,343,480Population Age Group 12 to 15 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
15 to 18  1,335,124Population Age Group 15 to 18 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
18 to 21  1,327,005Population Age Group 18 to 21 years 0.000  4.107  0.000 
21 to 24  1,316,626Population Age Group 21 to 24 years 0.000  4.508  0.000 
24 to 30  2,582,973Population Age Group 24 to 30 years 0.000  4.808  0.000 
30 to 35  2,115,471Population Age Group 30 to 35 years 0.000  4.508  0.000 
35 to 40  2,070,117Population Age Group 35 to 40 years 0.000  4.308  0.000 
40 to 45  2,032,400Population Age Group 40 to 45 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
45 to 50  1,973,862Population Age Group 45 to 50 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
50 to 55  1,913,739Population Age Group 50 to 55 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
55 to 60  1,762,366Population Age Group 55 to 60 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
60 to 65  1,613,462Population Age Group 60 to 65 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
65 to 70  1,283,551Population Age Group 65 to 70 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
70 to 75  866,136Population Age Group 70 to 75 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
75 to 80  507,464Population Age Group 75 to 80 years 0.000 0.000  0.000 
> 80  412,091Population Age Group 80 years and older 0.000 0.000  0.000 
Total  29,885,268Total Population100%  1.414Birth rate 1.880Death rate

Review the education system.
There are more details on education.

Population Education
Number of School Children  3,624,228Number of School kids
Number of High School Children  2,411,579Number of High school students
Number of Students  530,802Number of University students
Number of Advanced Level Students  127,022Number of Graduate students

Review the employment data. There are more details on employment and social security.

Employment Data
Number of Working People  9,185,345Number of working people
Number of Jobless People  4,683,144Number of Jobless People
Jobless Rate  33Unemployment Index
Number of Disabled People  1,356,244Total number of disabled
Number of Housewives  3,046,776Number of house wives
Number of Retired People  3,069,242Total Number of Retired
Housewives and Disabled by Age Groups
Age   Housewives   Disabled  
0 to 4  - - 
4 to 8  - - 
8 to 12  - - 
12 to 15  - - 
15 to 18  - - 
18 to 21  - - 
21 to 24  126,501  46,416Disabled 21 to 24 years
24 to 30  270,852  108,303Disabled 24 to 30 years
30 to 35  259,097  115,723Disabled 30 to 35 years
35 to 40  350,703  116,373Disabled 35 to 40 years
40 to 45  362,990  118,394Disabled 40 to 45 years
45 to 50  401,848  142,515Disabled 45 to 50 years
50 to 55  405,518  145,809Disabled 50 to 55 years
55 to 60  414,581  225,507Disabled 55 to 60 years
60 to 65  454,685  337,204Disabled 60 to 65 years
65 to 70  - - 
70 to 75  - - 
75 to 80  - - 
> 80  - - 
Total  3,046,776Number of house wives 1,356,244Total number of disabled
Migration Numbers
Migration Index  258Migration index
Migrated last month  1,383 
War Death Numbers Last month
Died in attacks  0Number of War Dead Last Month
Died in war hospitals  0War Wounded Died in Hospital
Died untreated  0Number of Wounded who Died Untreated
Died last month  0 
War Wounded Last month
Wounded begin previous month  0 
Wounded in attacks  0Number of Wounded This Month
Recovered in war hospitals  0War Wounded Recovered
Died in war hospitals  0War Wounded Died in Hospital
Died untreated  0Number of Wounded who Died Untreated
Total Wounded  0Total Number of War wounded
   (in war hospital)  0Number of Wounded in War Hospitals
   (untreated)  0Number of Wounded that are Untreated

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